November 4, 2008

tough day

So today is a really tough day. And no, I'm not talking about the elections. (I do have some thoughts on that and will post something about it soon)

Today marks four years since one of my best friends in the world died. John was killed in a car accident in Athens. I can recount for you every moment of that day. And today is the first time that I have gone through the emotions of this day by myself.

Instead of sharing stories with you about John, I'll leave you with this. It is a poem he and I discussed several times. It was found both in his wallet and in his Bible when he died, and I read it at his memorial service.

The best way to live
is to appreciate each minute
as an unrepeatable miracle.

Work at your work and
play at your play.
Shed your tears.
Enjoy your laughter.

Don't try to borrow from the future.
Accept the fact that now
is the best time of your life.

Even before I ask,
God has His answer ready for me.
His generous blessings never fail.

Tough words to live out today, but I do my best as I remember him today.

May you find comfort and meaning in all your relationships.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

You are not going through this tough time by yourself emotionally. I am praying for you. I wish I was there to give you a great big bear hug. I love you dearly. Thanks for the inspiration of the poem. I really like that.