October 21, 2008

Death by coconut?

So, a quick update on the past week and a half of my life. I'll give you all the short version. I made a quick trip to Athens last weekend, October 11th and 12th. On Sunday, October 12th I apparently ate something cooked in coconut oil. I have known that I am allergic to coconut, but I was unaware that I was eating something prepared with coconut oil. For reasons not fully known and too long to explain, I didn't have a normal allergic reaction after I consumed the meal.

Instead, the following day as I was driving down the interstate, I began vomiting everywhere and had to stop driving. My roommate and another friend from up here had to drive down to get me off the interstate and bring me back to Asbury. I wound up going to the hospital where much was done. In short, I had a very high fever, extreme pain, severe dehydration, and was somewhat disoriented. The diagnosis was a "non-allergic" reaction to the coconut that they could identify in my system. The doctor said that for some reason I had digested the coconut and because I am allergic to it, it simply began poisoning my body. All of the pain was coming from the poisoning. Have you ever been poisoned throughout your body? They hooked me up to an IV and kept me for a while to give me fluids, pain meds, and some sort of medicine whose job was to interact with the "poison" in my system and help me to start getting rid of it.

I have since been trying to regain my strength and appetite. I continue to find myself so exhausted. All of my professors have been generous with me missing class and even mid-terms.

If you are interested, I encourage you to look up products that contain coconut, coconut oil, or coconut extracts in them. You'll be amazed. I think I have finally figured out why my nose always itches while I brush my teeth!

So, I'm not dead; however, I am firmly and dramatically aware now that my death could come by coconut. Crazy isn't it?

May you all find health and blessing throughout your day and may you never bring a coconut anywhere near me! :)


danfo said...

That's awful! I love coconuts...

...bologna. Feel better yet?

clay kirkland said...

bro - roots didnt come out again did they?!?!?!

April said...

ok...what's with the picture of someone vomiting??? gross!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!!! is it okay to laugh? too soon? its just crazy that it was just a little coconut. it seems so innocent! -karlee