January 31, 2010

excuse me, sir.

If you weren't aware, one of my part-time jobs is working as a janitor at a private school here in Lexington which is run out of a church. I often am working late at night and am often the only person in the building.

On Thursday night, I was working late and was just walking down the hall listening to my ipod. As I came around a corner in the hallway, I was suddenly facing three police officers, one of which had a gun drawn and pointed at me. Needless to say, a gun pointed at your face by a huge police officer is not what I was expecting to see when I turned the corner.

Apparently the cops were doing their patrol and noticed a vehicle at the church late at night. As they drove up to check it out, they were suspicious of a vehicle with a Georgia license plate and noticed that one of the doors to the building was unlocked. I always have to lock myself in the building. However, someone earlier in the day must have left another door unlocked when they left.

After they ran a check on me, my vehicle, and called both my boss and a few other people at the church, I was "cleared" to be in the building. I appreciate the cops doing their job and protecting the community. But really? Three huge cops, standing in the hall of a church, and a gun drawn on me? I didn't realize I was that imposing of a figure. However, I wasn't arrested nor was I shot, so it all just makes for another interesting story.

Unfortunately, one of the classrooms in the school caught on fire Friday afternoon. Not too much damage, but so much cleaning to do. I think I still smell like smoke and ash. (that'll teach them to pull a gun on me in the middle of the night...)

I continue to be thankful for the jobs that God has provided for me. But man, this one sure is crazy and creates a lot of weird and strange stories to share.


Unknown said...

Things like that can only happen to you!!! LOL

David said...

WOW! I think I might have soiled myself.