April 20, 2009

The verdict is in...

Just an update, for those of you who have been wondering about me.

After my car was broken into two weeks ago, a few other things occurred which made for a very difficult week. The ending to that week found me in the hospital and not feeling well at all. This made it difficult to celebrate life during Easter. However, this morning, after many tests and months of feeling ill, the doctors have placed their finger on what they believe has been going on with me.

Back in 2006, on my trip to Ghana, I contracted malaria. Malaria is not a huge issue overseas as they see it on a regular basis. Thus, I took medicine from a local pharmacy and within a week or so after being back in the States, I felt normal again. Apparently, you always carry the malaria with you after you've contracted it. And for reasons that I never fully expect to understand, it has flared up in me. Perhaps from the complications that arose after my coconut allergic reaction, or it could have simply been from a random virus that I contracted over the past few weeks.

The good news is that being aware of what they are dealing with, the doctors have a plan of action, and within a few weeks to a month, they expect I will be back to 100% health. I eagerly await the day. Thanks for your prayers and concerns. I pray this is only the beginning to the answers that I've been seeking for in prayer.

May you find brokenness in His will and healing in His power as He forms you more into His image.


Anonymous said...

I pray that you will be back to 100% very soon!!! You deserve to feel great!!! much love--

Unknown said...

Thank the LORD we know what it is now.....you are not going crazy!!
Love ya and am always praying for you.