August 31, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

Today is "Wading through the Waters" one year birthday!

I can't believe it has been a year since I began this blog. A year since I've lived in Kentucky. What has happened this year?

Just a few things:
- coconut attack and ensuing hospitalization/dialysis
- malaria relapse
- car broken into (twice)
- lots of vacuuming (my job)
- first year of seminary completed (amazingly)
- new job leading the Emerge ministry here in Lexington
- new home
- hundreds of new friends
- a new appreciation for and use of Skype
- hours upon hours of prayer
- a few road trips
- possibility of eye cancer (still pending)
- a few house-sitting gigs
- my grandmother passed away
- several weddings
- a new nephew
- still single

In conclusion, I'm a changed man.

This blog hasn't been everything that I thought it would be. Still, it has helped me in more ways that I could have initially thought possible. My creativity continues to expand. My connection with many of you is strengthened through it. It serves as a canvas for random thoughts that I need to empty from my mind. It serves as a canvas for random emotions that I need to empty from my heart. It serves as yet one more waste of your precious time.

For all of these reasons, and many more, Happy Birthday, BLOG!!!

May your second year be just as eventful, more productive, and more effective.



Unknown said...

It is not a waste of my time at all!! I look forward to it! Happy Birthday and wishes for many, many more to come!

Mama said...

She always gets to your new blogs before me!! but she has more time on her hands. Any way wow, one year already. Happy Birthday and keep'em coming. They always are an inspiration to me.

amay said...

and less catastrophic!