December 20, 2008

White Christmas

Growing up in the South, the concept of a White Christmas was often but a dream and desire hidden within the depth of my mind. I remember Christmas the year I was in kindergarten when we had a decent snow in Savannah. Since then, most years I remember wearing a short sleeve shirt, or at least no jacket.

This morning, I was checking on what the weather will be like when I get home this week for Christmas. Christmas day, the high is to be 76 glorious degrees. I can't wait. This seems weird, right?

Well, after the cold of Wilmore that I've been living in, and the even colder recesses of my dorm room, I am enjoying this warmth more than I could have ever imagined during Christmas time. I had to scrape an inch of ice off my car in order to leave Kentucky the other day, and this afternoon I will walk outside in a short sleeve shirt with no jacket. Amazingly Sweet!

I know many people will complain about the warmth around Christmas time. Everyone, even in the South, desires a cold, if not White, Christmas.

But I say this. Stop complaining. Jesus knows that I've been frozen for a few months now and is simply showing me His love by wrapping me in the warmth this weather. And people, it is B-E-A-UTIFUL. You may blame me if you are hot on Christmas. But just know, I'm loving it.

May you have a great time with friends (new and old) and family this holiday season. Whether you are in China, Ghana, Brazil, America, or anywhere else, may the Lord warm your heart with His presence.

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