November 16, 2008


As I'm sure most of you are aware, I've had a very interesting first semester of seminary. I am learning a lot, although most of that is happening in the prayer room, doctor's office, or while I walk around at work for 3 hours a day, and not in the classroom.

There is so much that is on my mind. I literally have a list of things that I want to sit down, focus on, and really process. I am only waiting for the time to do that.

However, through the struggles of this semester, in this very new place, I've often found myself wanting comfort. I've found so much goodness in the Lord, but it hasn't always been comfortable (not that I was promised eternal comfort anyway). I've found myself wanting a nice, assuring hug from a close friend, or the company of someone who knows me and will just sit with me. Why? Again, mostly for the comfort that it would provide. The chance that it would give me to talk about how difficult things have been. Yet, I've realized how selfish that is. The Lord provides opportunities for me to share with people daily. It may not always be in the "comfortable" form I would desire; however, it is still there.

In conversation with a new friend recently, I heard this: "In the midst of our suffering, we need to be willing to listen. Hurt people always want to talk-to have attention drawn to them. But the real goal is to be a listener. Because God is speaking in your suffering. So I’m choosing to listen."

And oh how He is speaking. I'm just adding to my list of things to process. The joy in hearing all that He is speaking is comforting, not because of the content, but because of His voice. Perhaps I'll get around to sharing some of these things with you soon. For now, I'm just finding myself listening, with no agenda, and watching His faithfulness played out before me.

May you hear all that He has to share with you and listen to His words of comfort.


April said...

Good words...I think we understand what the fellowship of His sufferings means when we endure things and come to a better understanding of who He is and who He has created us to be. I am praying for you! May you experience life and joy and peace this week! Blessings!!!!

Shae said...

Here's a BIG HUG, and listening ear anytime you want to talk or process things out loud. Love you and miss you alot. Can't wait to see you at Christmas